I Love You



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

over you.

do not know how to tell my own feelings to my friends. So, i'd like to release my feelings here.
how many days so that i can fully get over you?
why must i be acting like i have no feelings over you?
why must i be treating you like a stranger and you'd acted the same, treated me like a non-feeling statue which that is worse than being your acquaintance.
why din us talk like we used to, why din we greet to each other?.

why even if we were online, and you didn't ever bother?
the thing is you've treated me so awesomely and how could you treat me like you didn't know me?. 
Now, i have decided. 

Acquaintance 1:
我答应过自己 不再去在乎你的是与非. 不再去怀念我那段蠢事. 在此, 不再允许我喜欢上这吊儿郎当的家伙.  但, 我依然会和你做那种最普通最普通的朋友. 别说什么再见了, 因为你要和我说话的诚意都没有.

Acquaintance 2:
不知道为什么, 当他和我倾诉,我就觉得很生气, 也许是嫉妒吧? 但我还是很潇洒的听他述说他与她的问题. 在不知不觉中, 就觉得他的好, 我也已经告诉自己我们只是好朋友, 所以, 不会再随便和笨笨的喜欢上任何一个男的, 因该要保持距离, 当每一个都是朋友而已!!!

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